L23 – Where’s My Purse? – light warm beige shade of nail polish that suits my skin tone perfectly, and yet, I didn’t find a replacement for it. Any suggestions??
On the picture I have three coats in order to achieve an opaque look. I really don’t like that because it dries very slowly and I don’t have time for that. When I say slowly it means 1 hour do not do anything, or else you will ruin your manicure.
Martina, Alter Ego Style
L23 – Where’s My Purse? – light warm beige. Ova nijansa se potpuno stapa s tonom moje kože, kako Sephore više nema, a ja još uvijek nisam našla dostojnu zamjenu, ima li itko neki prijedlog???
Osim nijanse, koja je presavršena, ništa drugo ne volim na ovom laku. Kako bi postigli neprozirnost, trebate nanijeti tri sloja, a zatim, da se ta tri sloja posuše, potrebno je barem sat vremena ne raditi ništa ili ćete sve uništiti.
Martina, Alter Ego Style

Mybe Illamasqua Monogamous? Look at this: http://realpishiscolors.blogspot.it/2012/09/illamasqua-monogamous.html
Wow, thank you so much! <3 I love it! :*
Try OPI: Don’t pretzel my buttons. It’s matte and uou might need 2 layers.
I will 😀