EXTRAVAGANT, Rijeka’s first fashion portal where you can find many interesting topics related to fashion, beauty, lifestyle, etc. Launched recently, in mid-October last year, and already has managed to attract the attention of many and become a real woman morning preoccupation.
It was a pleasure to chat with journalist Ginger and on this occasion I want to thank her for interviewing me and also for interest in Croatian beauty bloggers.
For full interview click here.
Martina, Alter Ego Style
EXTRAVAGANT, prvi riječki modni portal na kojemu možete pronaći mnoge interesantne teme vezane za modu, ljepotu, lifestyle i dr. Pokrenut nedavno, točnije sredinom listopada prošle godine, uspio je privući pažnju mnogih i postati pravo žensko jutanje štivo.
Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo upoznati presimpatičnu novinarku Ginger i ovom prilikom joj se zahvaljujem na intervjuu kao i na interesu prema domaćim Beauty Blogerima.
Više možete pročitati ovdje.
Martina, Alter Ego Style